Why We Created Wealth Workbench
I was a Silicon Valley engineer for years and had no idea on how financial planning worked. I made a big effort to learn financial knowledge and strategies with reputable financial firms and experts. I realized that many families needed the knowledge and assistance, yet would hesitate to speak to a financial advisor. They would rather manage their money in their own ways, while lacking financial knowledge and proper guidance.

We have combined the latest trends of financial knowledge & solutions with AI technology and big data modeling from Silicon Valley, and created Wealth Workbench to empower everyone with visual and interactive financial planning tools.

Let us help secure your financial future!
Kelvin Y.
CEO of Wealth Workbench
Wealth Workbench
Wealth Workbench is a fintech platform that provides potential solutions for personal financial needs using interactive and visualization tools. Our platform acts as a financial check up tool to diagnose personal and family financial issues and provide possible solutions and improvements. Our interactive and visualization tool makes financial planning easy and fun for both users and financial advisors. We use historical financial data to build models and provide possible solutions. Users can change their preference to compare different options. We will explain why our recommendation could potentially improve your finances.
Diagnostic Tool
With Wealth Workbench, you can analyze your financial status, discover the potential issues, simulate your financial growth and estimate your future net worth. The visual graph is easy to read and understand your financial status throughout your life.
Solution Center
Wealth Workbench provides potential solutions to help you reach your financial goals faster, in comparison with your current financial strategies. You can easily change your preference to compare the results of different financial strategy options.
Knowledge Bank
We provide financial knowledge and wealth building strategies and tips to help you understand how money works. You will become more knowledgeable about personal finances, and can take better control of managing your own finances and build your wealth and net worth faster.
Achieve financial literacy on your own by learning from our knowledge bank
Our financial knowledge bank provides organized and easy to read financial literacy short blog to help you learn most relevant aspects of personal finances, from basic financial concepts, tax saving strategies, long-term care planning, retirement planning, college funding planning and investment risk control and etc...
Contact our financial experts for a free consultation
Wealth Workbench

Experienced team with more than a billion USD asset under management

2665 Marine Way, Suite 1160, Mountain View, CA